Tessellation Project (40 Points) Name:________________
The tessellation will:
a) have no partial shapes filling most of an 8.5” x 11”sheet of
paper, but be neatly trimmed so each
shape is complete.
b) be creatively designed and fully colored.
c) be neatly mounted on a piece of poster board
or construction paper, so it looks “framed”.
d) have your name neatly on the background paper in the lower right corner of the front side.
Translation Glide/Rotation
WRITE-UP: A ˝ page typed free-write on your experience
in designing and executing your tessellation. Title your tessellation and explain why
you titled it that way. Explanation of
why you colored it the way you did. Explain
what type of tessellation it is. Give
the vertex arrangement (numerical name) for your tessellation. Include an explanation of the symmetry, if any,
in your tessellation. Include your design net (the
tessellated shape) and rough draft clipped or stapled to your write-up.
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